
Droplet splashing on solid and liquid surfaces

*Invited talk:* Brown Center for Fluid Mechanics Seminar Series

Mixing between coalescing droplets

IOP Printing for the Future 2022

Droplet splashing on curved substrates

Droplets impacting dry solid substrates often splash above a certain threshold impact velocity. We *hypothesise* that substrate curvature alters splashing thresholds due to a modification to the lift force acting on the lamella at the point of …

Droplet impact onto finite-depth pools

APS March Meeting 2022 (Session G11.1 -- 11:30 Tuesday)

Substrate curvature affects droplet splashing thresholds

APS March Meeting 2022 (Session G11.3 -- 11:54 Tuesday)

Inertial stretching separation in binary droplet collisions

Binary droplet collisions exhibit a wide range of outcomes, including coalescence and stretching separation, with a transition between these two outcomes arising for high Weber numbers and impact parameters. Our experimental study elucidates the …

It’s harder for droplets to splash on small spheres

*Invited talk:* Warwick Fluid Dynamics Research Centre Seminar

Substrate curvature affects droplet splashing

UK Fluids 2021

Droplet splashing on curved substrates

Droplets 2021

Internal flows during droplet coalescence

*Invited talk:* QMUL Colloid & Interface Webinar